That was the question asked by the girl at the ticket counter when my wife was buying tickets (there are only two theaters at Greenbelt 1). It really set the mood for her; she was cracking up while we were going in to see Bruce Willis' new film .

I had just got out of work and crossed the street to Greenbelt 1 to meet Michelle at National Bookstore when we bumped into our friend Jill at Via Mare. After a quick chat, I saw the movie poster from inside the restaurant and naturally geeked out. We checked on the kids and then booked a ticket for the evening's entertainment. And it was worth missing out on a home-cooked meal.
This movie about retired CIA agents is "loosely" based on the DC comic book. Well, for starters and spoiler alert, Willis' character in the movie is named Frank instead of Paul.
I have enjoyed a couple of movies this year, such as My Name is Khan, 3 Idiots, Inception, Despicable Me, Toy Story 3, and Hot Tub Time Machine. But this movie kinda takes the cake (so far). The pacing was great, and my wife really loved it in spite of not even seeing its trailer. And seriously, would you watch Inception again? I'd rather do a double take on this movie that has Helen Mirren shooting a machine gun.
The casting is superb, and it's nice to see Mary Louise Parker again although I can't remember when I last saw her perform. Ernest Borgnine is in it as well, and I pointed out to Michelle that he's the voice of Mermaid Man. But not to ruin the film for everyone, I just have to say that John Malkovich rocks in this movie. It's nice to see Cyrus the Virus in an action film again, and being John Malkovich, he does it in his unique way.
This is not a Bourne-type-simulated-action spy film. This movie is outrageous, over-the-top, cliched, and incredibly satisfying. It makes me think about retirement packages and golden parachutes in a totally different way.
Now if I can only still apply for the CIA...