Dear Arissa,
On June 30, 2009, you were born. This was right about the same week that Michael Jackson died and when Ron Artest declared he will wear #37 as tribute to the 37 weeks Thriller was #1 (you can look him up when your older; just google "crazy but talented NBA player").
I remember seeing and holding you for the first time (you were so light and cuddly, but man, can you wail!).
It was a tough pregnancy for me and your mom, with her lupus symptoms and all. But it was also tough on you after you were born. We found out that the hard way that you couldn't drink the standard formula (mommy couldn't breastfeed at first because of all the steroids in her bloodstream).
You spent more than a week in ICU, and I had to split time between classes/reading business cases, and attending to our family as well as visiting you at the hospital. We had to bring you back to the hospital, to the emergency room in fact, because we didn't know why you suddenly turned yellow. We fed you milk not knowing it was making you worse. Yeah, it was pretty harsh.
Today, you still drink a special formula. Alhamdullilah, we got by through prayers and the support of our families, and you have become an incredibly healthy baby. And even more cuddlier.
It's been a year, and I thank Allah swt everyday for you, your mom, and your siblings.
Happy birthday, baby girl!