Friday, July 9, 2010

Da Man!

Jack Black said in the School of Rock: Stick it to The Man!

I’m sorry Jack, but in this case, The Man is too good.

And no way am I giving him the finger for what he just pulled off.

Are you kidding me?! A 25 year-old Lebron James + a 25 year-old Chris Bosh+ a 28 year-old D Wade = WTF for everyone else!

Yeah, sure, LA has Kobe and Pau and Ron Artest’s psychiatrist, but I’m almost sure that a lot of veterans will find a way to join Lebron and company. Just look at 3-point specialist Mike Miller, who could have received more than the veteran minimum on other teams looking for a quality shooting guard.

Back in Cleveland, James wanted a better roster but management delivered too late. I mean, they could have gotten Shaq earlier or they could gotten Amare, but they settled on Antawn Jamison. So I don’t blame Lebron; I think Dan Gilbert was too comfortable with keeping him in Ohio.

I feel sad for NYC, but Cleveland has it worse. Maybe NYC can try to sign and trade Lee for a quality point guard (but I’d choose Lee over Amare’s knees any day).

(I still think this will be a fun NBA season; they’re going to make this as fun and profitable as they can to avoid a lockout).

He has won championships as a player and as a coach in Los Angeles, made basketball relevant again in New York as the head coach of Ewing and Co., and gave Miami its first championship as President/Coach. That’s a great career, but to have Lebron and Bosh join Wade is friggin’ awesome.

Pat Riley is The Man.

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