Monday, July 5, 2010

Would I look good without a shirt?


The wife thinks I am more of a vampire than a werewolf, and considering the vampire gets the girl I didn't ask any further (I think she said that primarily because I would look like this without my shirt rather than the mutated version of Tolits).

Yeah, so sue me! I had a date with the wife and we watched Gayclipse last night. The wife is really into the Stephanie Meyer books - she consumed those four novels faster than I can lose ten pounds (not happening). And I am really into my wife (pogi points, if she reads this).

But the really entertaining part of the film was when I got somewhat excited to see The Lady in The Water in the movie. So when I said, "Look, Bee, it's Bryce Dollar Howard!" And throughout the movie, I kept on noticing how weird Bryce Dollar Howard's eyes were (they are like Lady Gaga eyes!) and whenever I asked/complained why it wasn't Bryce Dollar Howard in the last two films (I think it irritated the nearby audience). The wife giggled whenever I said Bryce Dollar Howard.

The fight scenes were ok, I just don't get why the living dead/blood sucking parasites become crystal when they die (spoiler alert!... too late) and why the wolves don't need a full moon to become giant dogs. And how come Wolverine can heal himself but the wolfman here has to wear a cast? Dracula would have whipped all their @$$es. (did the author name the lead role after Bela Lugosi?)

Anyways, when the credits rolled and we waited for people to exit, I found out why I amused my wife so much. I read the name: Bryce DALLAS Howard. I'm so glad I'm married to her.


EJ said...

Reason why they turn into crystal/diamond when they die... it's a conspiracy to sell more diamonds to the target demographic.

Same reason why vampires tend to shine under the sunlight rather than turn into ashes as shown in Interview with the Vampire... who will you believe? Cedric Diggory or Maverick?

Khairy Alonto said...

I would believe Gary Oldman hehe his dracula is still the creepiest for me (what the f*** is up with that hair?)