Saturday, July 24, 2010

Job Hunter

It's nice to be on the other side. For years, I have been a recruiter trying to tap talent pools of universities and colleges for the companies that I worked for. Now, I'm in a job where I have to hunt for opportunities for a premier management school's graduates . And it's nice to have ample support from the faculty, staff, and the students themselves.

I am extremely glad that the job market is picking up post-recession. As an alumni of the same school I now work for, I can say that my batch was hit really hard but previous batches had a tougher time to penetrate the market. Our talent pool competes globally and not just locally - and compared to fresh graduates of business schools here in the Philippines, well you can say that we command a well-deserved premium (I remember telling my friend that we may be broke but we don't come cheap).

But there's still a rough road ahead. But an exciting one nonetheless because the landscape has changed for the better. I guess it's best incapsulated in the final words of this video from Canadian-Indian standup comedian Russel Peters. Believe me, I have had the exact same conversation about job opportunities. Well, except the part about disco dancing.

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